12 April 2011

More decoration!

I was a bit upset that the engraving didnt work on the pink neoprene because I wasn't engraving very deep (so it didnt weaken the neoprene or the nylon lining)  and so the black rubber didnt show up, so it was back to square one for how to get my triangles onto these panels! I decided to go with vinyl, as i had tried it before in my experimentation and it worked really well. However doing my triangle print in vinyl is rather fiddly!!

This is what the Vinyl sheet looks like once it has been cut into
The next fun step is to peel off all the bits you don't want around the outside!
I then was left with this, but obviously i now need to pick out the insides of all the triangles!
It was quite a lot of triangles!!
The final transfer ready to be heat pressed!
Gutted that it didn't work when heat pressed, it seemed to move and melt abit!
Close up of the mess!
After this failure I was left with one last option!! Dye Sublimation printing! I knew that because the pink lining fabric was Nylon then the Black wouldn't show up much but the engraving on the other panels wasn't the boldest thing ever so I wasn't too fussed!
A heat press disaster!!
 After all that it turned out that my neoprene doesn't like being heat pressed and instead melts!! :( which is possibly why the vinyl didn't work! so now i have decided to stop wasting time and this suit will just have to have no print on it at all!! The print was only ever going to be on the shoulder straps anyway so it is not like it was a massive detail panel!

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