5 April 2011

Getting ready for sailing

The sailing season finally began on sunday, and last week I was preparing by making sure all my kit was properly cleaned. (I had washed it all at the end of the season too, don't worry!) My kit bag zips had ceased and slightly corroded so i put it in the bath to soak, and chucked a few other bits in too, and then I was slightly embarrassed to realise how much Henri Lloyd kit I have.
I honestly don't know why people put metal zippers on a plastic zip, it doesn't stop corrosion happening, and when it is stuff designed for sailing you would have thought someone would realise its not a cleaver idea!! 2 of my zips on my kit bag seem to be permanently stuck and the zip on my wetsuit is starting to rust!!! its bonkers!! if anyone has any answers why companies do this it would be much appreciated!!

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