22 May 2011

Yoga Wear

As I am currently putting my portfolio together it means lots of photo's of stuff I have made is in need of being photographed. I soon realised I never got round to photographing my Yoga wear project I did in my 1st year. I know normally you wouldn't put first year work in your final year portfolio, but I'm still really proud of that project! It was designed to be a multi functional garment that you can walk down the street in before or after a yoga lesson and no-one would notice it as yoga wear, they would just think they were normal clothes, but still allowing for all the movement and stretch required for this activity. The garment can be a pair of trousers, a skirt and a dress all in one!!! I personally don't know where this genius idea came from but I am glad I thought of it!!

As it has been a struggle to get hold of any photographers who were willing to take 20 minutes out of their day to photograph this outfit I decided to shoot it myself. And I think for a literally 20 minute photo shoot, I did quite well and I'm pretty proud of it!!

The garment as trousers
See how much freedom of movement the trousers gives!

The Skirt
The skirt doesn't restrict any movement and also no chance of accidentally flashing anyone!

As a Dress
Holds well and doesn't fall down! also giving the biggest freedom of movement, and I have personally worn this outfit out like this at night, and no-one knew it was a yoga outfit!
A big thank you to my fab model: Beth Spooner!

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