15 March 2011

Virtual regatta

A bit late but it has been a manic week/weekend! Saturday night was the Virtual regatta between local sailing clubs. The clubs involved were, Royal Cornwall, Restronuet, Mylor, Flushing, St Mawes and Fowey. It was a cracking night and the rcaing got a bit intense but that may have been because we (Restronguet) were sat next to RCYC, and for most of the races it was between our 2 teams!! Here are some quick snaps I took, everyone almost looks like they are in a trance staring at the screens!!!
In the end it was RCYC who took 1st place, with us from Restronguet coming 2nd!! Gutted to have missed out on the loverly free Henri Lloyd jackets but as they were XL sizes then I wouldn't have been able to wear it anyway!!!

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