20 March 2011

Time to begin!

The sun is shining and the flip flops are out and my neoprene has finally arrived!!! woo hoo! After 4 months of waiting, my neoprene arrived on Friday! It look even better than i could have ever imagined!!!
My final collection is gonna be defiantly eye catching!!! :D

15 March 2011

Keep strong Japan!

As we all know Japan is not having a good time at all at the moment, and as James on my course is half Japanese he is showing is encouragement and support through a funky hair doo as well as well as some cool T-Shirt Designs, which can be found on his blog!!
Japan we are thinking of you!!!

Virtual regatta

A bit late but it has been a manic week/weekend! Saturday night was the Virtual regatta between local sailing clubs. The clubs involved were, Royal Cornwall, Restronuet, Mylor, Flushing, St Mawes and Fowey. It was a cracking night and the rcaing got a bit intense but that may have been because we (Restronguet) were sat next to RCYC, and for most of the races it was between our 2 teams!! Here are some quick snaps I took, everyone almost looks like they are in a trance staring at the screens!!!
In the end it was RCYC who took 1st place, with us from Restronguet coming 2nd!! Gutted to have missed out on the loverly free Henri Lloyd jackets but as they were XL sizes then I wouldn't have been able to wear it anyway!!!

8 March 2011

Wetsuit magic!

Woooo Hooooo! Finished my Neoprene mens wetsuit toile today and apart from having to make one minor alteration to the neck its all good and ready to go!!! If only my neoprene was here!!! Keep fingers crossed!!
Beautifully modeled by Ollie, Many thanks to him in the swelteringly hot studio!!

Only 2 inches to take of this panel to make it fit flush across the shoulders!

6 March 2011

Computer goodies!

I decided while I am still a student I needed to make the most of Student discounts, and so I brought Snow Leopard for my mac to update it! (its currently running a really old system!) and I also decided to buy myself Adobe CS5! As I am still using CS2 which I brought when I was at college!! They look so exciting and pretty, but i have to clear all my junk of my computers 1st before I can install them!! That may take some time!!!

St Piran Day

Yesterday was St Piran's day, which is the patron saint of Cornwall and it is thanks to him we have the flag of black with a white cross on it. It was a beautiful sunny day here in Falmouth, but sadly I needed to go into uni (On a Saturday!!!!), so before uni opened at 10 me and Hazel decided to go on a mini adventure bike ride around Fal with my Kernow Flag! Hazel also got attacked by a naughty dog called Esther! HA!
At Swanpool lake
Hazel nearly getting wet at swanpool beach
Me looking a goon on the rocks!!
I love this pic! the sun through the flag looks amazing!
Riding behind hazel doing a odd side saddle on the path to Gylly Beach
Such a nice day at the beach!!!
Flying the flag at Gylly
When we got to uni I felt the flag should stay out so I hung it over my work area!

4 March 2011

Neoprene Toiling

Yesterday I had a bit of a bad day, I was stressing that my Neoprene still hasn't arrived from China (even though i ordered it in November!!) I was also making a few last alterations to my mens wetsuit and some bits suddenly didn't seem to match anymore so that slowed me down trying to figure that out. I decided to get out my Neoprene I had brought from Uni to start toiling in, and it made me smile because some of the patterns look really odd!! Time to start practicing gluing and blind stitching! hold your breath and wait for pics of this toile made up!!