15 August 2010

Falmouth Week

Well Falmouth week has just finished and i had a wicked time! I had never done it before because it usually clashed with Cowes week or I was working. I was sailing on Demolition one of the half toners in Falmouth, who i sail with normally every week from RCYC. We had a great week with a nice bit of sunshine thrown in. We were in IRC 2 Bay Fleet and came 3rd overall with Per Elisa (another Falmouth half toner that we have some friendly banter with!) coming 2nd! However incorporated into the 1st 5 days of  Falmouth week was the IRC Championship where we did much better than we expected by coming 2nd, narrowly beating Per Elisa who came 3rd. Sadly I can't find any pictures of us racing but I'm sure some will appear soon!

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