31 August 2010

Dartmouth week

Well I am shattered!!! I went to Dartmouth to join the Demolition team for Dartmouth week which started on the 25th. The Demo team were already pretty shattered due to them having just done Torbay week and the winds had been mental but came away with a brilliant 4th place! The weather has pretty windy when I arrived but glorious sunshine! The week was defiantly eventful with us protesting the entire IRC 4 fleet on day 2 because no-one but us had read the race instruction amendments meaning we were the only ones to sail the right course (which happened to be longer)! The same thing nearly happened the next day but other boats decided it was probably best to follow us as we could obviously read!!! all that was except Per Elisa and King One who decided to have some fun getting tangled up in the Farr 45's fleet, which resulted in them both sailing a long way off the course!!! The end of the week became insanely windy, but thankfully Demolition loves it windy and she powered through the fleet on the last day while Per Elisa struggled and others broke! Rounding off the regatta with another 1st place! Over all results were Peanut (an Impalla with a bandit of a handicap!) coming 1st, King One (an Irish Half Tonner with a brilliant crew) coming 2nd, then us on Demolition coming 3rd just in front of Per Elisa who actually ended the regatta with the same points as us but we luckily had that last day 1st to put us narrowly in front.
The Beautiful Demolition!
I was also very excited when i arrived to be handed our new crew T-Shirts!!! Us girlies had pink shirts with grey writing and the guys had grey shirts with pink writing! It looked well cool!! although we wanted the guys grey t-shirts and the guys wanted our pink t-shirts!!! (we didnt end up swapping tho!)
Best crew shirt I've had yet!!

15 August 2010

Falmouth Week

Well Falmouth week has just finished and i had a wicked time! I had never done it before because it usually clashed with Cowes week or I was working. I was sailing on Demolition one of the half toners in Falmouth, who i sail with normally every week from RCYC. We had a great week with a nice bit of sunshine thrown in. We were in IRC 2 Bay Fleet and came 3rd overall with Per Elisa (another Falmouth half toner that we have some friendly banter with!) coming 2nd! However incorporated into the 1st 5 days of  Falmouth week was the IRC Championship where we did much better than we expected by coming 2nd, narrowly beating Per Elisa who came 3rd. Sadly I can't find any pictures of us racing but I'm sure some will appear soon!