4 September 2010

Work Experience at Crewsaver

I'm back in Cornwall now after venturing to Gosport for work experience at Crewsaver! http://www.crewsaver.co.uk/ I was only there for 2 and a half weeks due to starting back at uni this Monday coming. It was an interesting experience, and learnt a lot about how the industry works. I don't think they had really thought of what to give me to do so they just told me to design a dinghy sailing range. It was really hard trying to remember how to use a Microsoft computer as apposed to a Mac. I was also shocked to find out that they used Core draw and not Illustrator (even though they did have it on their computers!), which uni has taught us and told us everyone in the industry uses! I tried to design the best i could in the short time i was there, not sure what they thought of it though as nothing much was said! I just hope i gave them something worthwhile! I was also pleasantly surprised to see that some things are still made in the UK! Although most of their stuff is made abroad like everyone else, their life jackets are still made in the Gosport factory. Below are some pictures of bits and bobs at Crewsaver.
The factory where the life jackets are made!

Pressure testing tank. Fore some reason i was fascinated by this!

The view from the design office, one of those masts is my dads boat! :D

The amazing machine that draws your patterns that you create on the computer! I so wish uni had one!!!